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The Future of Backups: Direct-to-Cloud

A beautiful skyline with a cloud above and various connections from random buildings to the cloud to portray Direct-To-Cloud backups from anywhere, anytime.

It's no secret that businesses today rely on data. Every day, more and more of our processes become digital experiences. After all, nobody prefers to use pen and paper for repetitive tasks that need to be done on a daily basis, unless you're a writer.

So, speaking for most organizations, digital tools like accounting software, Office 365, Google Workspace, etc., are the main drivers of their business. They help organizations process ever-increasing amounts of data in an efficient way, helping them thrive and grow.

Up until recently, most organizations protected their ever-increasing data using traditional tools and applications. However, the limitations of these backup tools are that as the organization grows, the cost to maintain backups rises exponentially. Organizations found themselves buying more and more equipment and investing in solutions that weren't really designed to handle the exponential growth in data that we see today.

Then comes Direct-To-Cloud:

the evolution of data protection to direct to cloud

A solution that solves some major problems organizations face when it comes to backing up their systems and endpoints. Problems like,


Problem: Security

Traditional solutions may not provide enough security to organizations due to many reasons like, the use of older authentication technologies, unencrypted transmission of backups, insecure storage, complexity of software leading to unknown vulnerabilities, and lack of modern access controls like zero-trust security. Backup software vendors have tried to modernize their applications, but due to platform restrictions, they are unable to deliver modern security experiences.

Solution: Direct-To-Cloud

A direct-to-cloud solution solves all of the security problems listed above. It supports modern authentication technologies like 2FA for multi-layered security, uses only encrypted channels to transfer sensitive data, uses immutable storage to ensure that organizations can recover even after advanced ransomware attacks. Modernized security for backups is not an unachievable goal anymore; cloud-based services help organizations achieve higher levels of security.


Problem: Reliability

With traditional applications, ensuring reliability means investing in redundant servers to ensure backup jobs keep running smoothly. As you can expect, it increases the cost of organizations exponentially as they have to set up redundant servers and redundant storage to keep their backup operations running smoothly. The higher levels of reliability an organization wants, the higher their CAPEX goes.

Solution: Direct-To-Cloud

Direct-To-Cloud solutions get rid of the upfront costs associated with making traditional applications redundant while delivering higher reliability due to the cloud-based nature of such services. Cloud service providers like us are experienced in running their infrastructure 24/7, helping organizations consume reliable services without having to plan complex architectures by themselves.


Problem: Scalability

Scalability is hard to achieve with older technologies and applications that weren't designed with exponential data growth in mind. These applications performed very well when organizations could predict where and how much data they would output. That isn't true anymore, almost every organization has faced exponential data growth in the past 5 years and ever-increasing reliance on IT for operations. Additionally, traditional applications weren't developed with remote or hybrid work in mind, leading to unprotected endpoints unless they were in the office or on-premises.

Solution: Direct-To-Cloud

Cloud-based services like BootCloud | BNR are designed from the get-go to handle massive amounts of data without breaking a sweat. Their agile and scalable architecture uniquely positions them to provide highly secure and reliable cloud storage without increasing costs exponentially for organizations, regardless of their size. A direct-to-cloud solution can help organizations protect their data from geographic threats due to the global availability of cloud storage while also protecting the data of remote or hybrid work endpoints due to modern compression and deduplication.


Problem: Scalability

As organizations scale traditional backup applications for their growing needs they often see an exponential rise in their CAPEX, not to mention the added cost of management and technical expertise that often rises with the amount of data they need to backup. Both of these reasons contribute greatly to the shift to cloud-based backup services as organizations need an affordable way to backup ever-increasing data.

Solution: Direct-To-Cloud

As evident by the fact that by the end of 2024, 79% of organizations are looking to use cloud as their primary backup platform[1], it comes as no surprise that a big reason for this is the affordability of the cloud. With direct-to-cloud, you only pay for what you use while retaining the same level of security as you do with an on-premises backup solution. It essentially helps organizations turn a CAPEX into an OPEX, freeing up capital for other important projects.


Problem: Backing up a Remote Workforce

As more organizations adopt modern work-from-anywhere policies, they are discovering that their existing backup applications may not be optimized for transferring data over remote connections or public hotspots, especially when combined with the additional requirement of a VPN to encrypt traffic. As a consequence, many organizations are finding that a significant portion of their remote workforce is vulnerable to data loss, which can have disastrous consequences. Even something as simple as a spilled coffee can result in the loss of months' worth of critical employee-generated data.

Solution: Direct-To-Cloud

Direct-to-cloud backup solutions offer organizations a flexible and efficient way to back up data for their remote workforce. By using modern compression and deduplication techniques, these solutions reduce bandwidth requirements considerably, enabling users to back up via low bandwidth links such as cellular networks. In addition to reducing backup storage costs, these solutions protect remote workers just as effectively as if they were on-premises, ensuring that all employees are fully backed up and protected against data loss.


Problem: Incapable Of Cloud To Cloud Backups

It's no secret that organizations are moving towards the cloud, from running databases to on demand VDI to productivity tools like Office 365 and G Suite, cloud is the future, and while cloud services are very robust and reliable in nature it's important to recognize that cloud doesn't mean zero data loss. In fact, many cloud providers have what's called a "Shared Responsibility Model," which means that both you, as the customer, and the provider are responsible for protecting data. This can be a surprise to many organizations who assume that the cloud provider will handle everything.

Solution: Direct-To-Cloud

Direct-to-cloud backup providers like us offer a cloud agnostic aka cloud neutral solution that enables organizations to achieve secure backups between different cloud environments. This is crucial in maintaining data security in the face of advanced ransomware attacks or if one of your primary cloud providers experiences a critical data breach. With modern backup applications, you can securely backup your data from one cloud to another cloud of your choice, giving you the flexibility to eliminate vendor reliance and keep your data secure around the clock.


To conclude, traditional or current gen applications, while effective and performant, are having trouble keeping up with the data growth faced by organizations today. Statistics show that small businesses have already embraced the cloud for backups, and most mid-sized organizations use multiple backup tools (cloud + on-premises) to help them modernize their data protection strategy[2]. These statistics are certainly rosy, but there are darker ones, like how just a single incident of ransomware can cause up to 20 days of downtime[3].

In light of current cyber threats and growing expectations for backup applications, organizations are rapidly choosing direct-to-cloud solutions like BootCloud | BNR to improve their backup operations and save on unnecessary costs. Which brings us to our question,

Are you ready to streamline your backup operations while decreasing backup costs ?

If yes, you can learn more about how BootCloud | BNR helps organizations like yours to modernize their data protection strategy. Visit Our Website or Contact Us to learn more.

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